Corporate Mission

植村 貴昭

Aim for your company’s “Polaris”.
– We always strive for the best.

Not spending time on sales and development in which is what you should be doing, means you are not spending time on growing your company.

Polaris provides the most optimal environment for business owners to focus on their business.


What is “Polaris”?

Our company name, “Polaris,” means the North Star.

The North Star has been used for centuries as a landmark to determine direction at night, such as when sailing.

We want to be a permanent, shining landmark for our customers to continue to feel secure as they embark on the voyage called business.
We work with this passion.


Outsource your company’s “Miscellaneous Work”

We are a full-service outsourcing company.
We take care of the most time-consuming and important “miscellaneous tasks” for you.
The time that you used to spend on “miscellaneous tasks” will be taken care of by us.
We will take care of the “miscellaneous work” so that our clients can use their valuable time for the growth of their company.

There is no future for Japan without the brilliance of venture businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Let us support your company to shine.

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